Shakespeare’s scenes in terracotta



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2 Responses to DSCN4071macbeth

  1. Oliver Harris says:

    This is fascinating, and I suspect the product of quite a lot of hard work, both in getting such clear images, and in identifying the scenes. One query: on the Macbeth panel, there seems to be something written on the wall, above and between the figures. I can’t quite make it out (though the first word might just be ‘Richard’). Do you have any idea what this might be? Is it original, or just graffiti?

    • Sylvia Morris says:

      Hello Oliver,
      The words are difficult to decipher but I am pretty sure they read “All hail Macbeth”, the words with which the weird sisters greet Macbeth. They are part of the original plaque. Thank you for your interest!

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