Tag Archives: Guildhall

The Great Annual Sheep Drive: a reminder of Shakespeare’s London

I wrote a few weeks ago about my visit to London’s Guildhall to attend the ceremony by which my niece was made a Freeman of the City of London. The best-known privilege to which Freemen are entitled is that of … Continue reading

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In the City of London

This week I visited London’s Guildhall where my niece was granted the Freedom of the City of London. I hadn’t realised that about 1800 Freemen are admitted each year by the Clerk to the Chamberlain of the City of London, and … Continue reading

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Celebrating 2016 in Stratford-upon-Avon: preparations begin

2016 will be the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, and preparations are well under way to celebrate in the town where he was born and died. Projects are afoot everywhere, and I’m going to write a couple of posts giving … Continue reading

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Much Ado About Shakespeare at Easter

For Easter, a round-up of some of the many current Shakespeare-related events. First of all, on Easter Sunday BBC Radio 3 is celebrating Shakespeare’s imminent 450th birthday with two programmes. At 6.45pm, in Shakespeare: For and Against, playwright Mark Ravenhill … Continue reading

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