Tag Archives: Henslowe’s Diary

In memory of Reg Foakes

  I’m sitting here with my Arden Edition of King Lear, probably the most authoritative edition of the play ever published. Its editor, Reg Foakes (R A Foakes on the title page) died over Christmas at his home in Stratford-upon-Avon aged … Continue reading

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Shakespeare’s Dark Lady of the sonnets: fact or fiction?

People have been trying to identify Shakespeare’s Dark Lady, the mysterious woman who is the subject of some of Shakespeare’s sonnets, since the Victorian period. A few years ago Emilia Lanier was the favoured candidate, and before that Mary Fitton. … Continue reading

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Edward Alleyn’s legacy and Shakespeare’s theatre

Most of what we know about the elusive world of Elizabethan and Jacobean theatre is found in one unique collection of manuscripts. These are known as the Henslowe-Alleyn archive, working theatrical documents created by impresario Philip Henslowe and his illustrious … Continue reading

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